EN Funded by the European Union WHITE
LOGOBIANCO UniversitaRicerca Nolineare
italia domani

Work Package 8

Capacity building and training

WP Leader

Andrea Orazio Spinello (IRCrES)


Work Package 8 of the FOSSR Project is committed to supporting the training of researchers in the socio-economic field by enhancing their skills in accessing, managing and advanced data analysis. Furthermore, it promotes reflective learning and productive interactions between research and societal actors in the context of open science. By proposing activities and training programmes at various levels, the WP intends to contribute to the establishment of a strong user community for an effective exploitation of open data and the tools and services developed within FOSSR. The target group of these initiatives is made up of various audiences, including academics, early-career researchers, students, policymakers and civil servants.

In detail, the WP8 offering consists of:

  • Online Training Courses with a methodological focus on advanced techniques for data analysis or oriented towards data management according to FAIR principles;
  • Participatory learning initiatives (Learning session and Action-research Session) that aim to create opportunities for researchers and between researchers and societal stakeholders to share perspectives on the use and development of FOSSR resources in research practice and for social impact generation;
  • Second Level Master’s Degree in Social Data Science, activated at the University of Milan-Bicocca, national coordinator together with the CNR of the CESSDA Infrastructure, to train a new generation of social data scientists;
  • Positions in PhD courses related to the social sciences, on topics linked to the content of the FOSSR Project, activated at various Italian universities (Bocconi; Milan Statale; Trento; Bologna; Sapienza; Naples Federico II and Catania).

The WP will also develop cloud-based data analysis software to support training courses in the social sciences.


Daniela De Gregorio, Adriana Valente, Alessandro Russo, Antonio De Lorenzo, Serena Fabrizio