EN Funded by the European Union WHITE
LOGOBIANCO UniversitaRicerca Nolineare
italia domani


Welcome to the FOSSR-Zenodo community space, a dedicated repository, integrated into OpenAIRE, where we store and present the research results of the FOSSR project.

Zenodo, in relation to the Project, performs the two main functions of:

Repository for FOSSR activities and research results of FOSSR project partners, such as documentation of data/service/tool developments, training materials, but also conference presentations and working papers, media, etc.

Repository for FOSSR users’ research results, e.g., in the form of conference presentations, working papers, publications, new datasets, visualizations, etc.

Leveraging the capabilities of Zenodo and OpenAIRE, we are actively creating a space of knowledge and collaboration for the FOSSR community. Explore the wealth of research results that characterize the advancement of our academic and scientific goals:

To facilitate knowledge sharing, all users are required to upload their research results to this dedicated space.