This infrastructure provides the scientific community with resources, tools, datasets, and certified services to conduct excellent research activities in the social sciences domain. It brings together social science data repositories from across Europe, with the aim of promoting social science research outputs and supporting national and international research and cooperation. Data can be quantitative, qualitative or mixed, cross-sectional or longitudinal, recently collected or historical. Italy joined CESSDA in July 2021.
Open Science Cloud
The FOSSR project aims to build an Open Science Cloud for the Social Sciences, which in a first phase will connect three European infrastructures recognized by the MUR's National Research Infrastructure Plan (PNIR), namely CESSDA, SHARE and RISIS, and then implement others, as well as panels and services currently being developed and built.
Research Infrastructure for Science and Innovation policy Studies
It provides data and services to support the development of analyses and indicators for the study of science, technology and innovation processes. The Italian nodes of the infrastructure are EFIL, on the characterization of research funding instruments operated by a number of European research funding organizations; JOREP a database on joint transnational European research and development programs; CHEETAH which presents geographic, industrial and accounting information on three cohorts of medium-sized companies; VICO which contains geographic, industrial and accounting information on startups.