WP Leader
Mario Paolucci (IRPPS)
Work Package 4 aims at linking FOSSR to the main social science research infrastructures already active in the European context. This will allow the collection, through panel surveys managed by the different research infrastructures, of high quality longitudinal data on the population living in Italy and able to guarantee a complete view
on the life cycle of the population on a wide variety of topics:
– the Growing Up in Digital Europe (GUIDE) pilot survey, which studies the well-being of children and young people aged 0-24;
– the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) promoted by the Gender&Generation Program (GGP) which investigates the family dynamics and reproductive behaviour of the population aged between 18 and 59;
– the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE-ERIC) for the study of the elderly (population over 50).
In addition to these 3 panel surveys, FOSSR will make available data from the first Italian Online Probability Panel (IOPP), which will collect data on the behaviour, habits and opinions of the Italian resident population aged 18-75.
Angela Paparusso, Antonio Di Noia, Paolo Landri