
Which are the infrastructures converging into FOSSR? #1 RISIS

Enhancing research on S&I policy through strategic integration with FOSSR Cloud 

The European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies (RISIS) is pivotal in the landscape of European research on science and innovation policy. Through its extensive network of databases and services, RISIS plays a crucial role in generating scientific knowledge and providing vital information to support more effective and goal-oriented policy decisions in the context of science, technology, and innovation. RISIS is seamlessly integrated into the FOSSR Cloud, enhancing the accessibility and utility of its data and services. 

Key Databases of the Italian Node 

The Italian node of RISIS comprises four significant databases: JoREP 2.0, EFIL, VICO and CHEETAH. Each of these databases contributes uniquely to the research and policy analysis landscape. 

JoREP 2.0 focuses on joint research and development (R&D) programs at the European and bilateral levels, providing quantitative data for monitoring investments in R&D programs, highlighting the underlying policies and their impacts. It facilitates comparisons between countries, aiding in the analysis of European Research Area (ERA) dynamics and the processes of Europeanization. 

EFIL is essential for researchers and policymakers interested in understanding European research and development funding policies. It offers detailed and structured insights into public funding, enabling the analysis of trends over time, cross-country funding practices, and policy effectiveness. The dataset includes indicators derived from text mining techniques improved in FOSSR, useful for evaluating funding instruments’ relevance to Key Enabling Technologies (KET), Societal Grand Challenges (SGC), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

VICO provides detailed information on companies receiving Venture Capital (VC) investments in Europe. It covers a broad temporal scope and includes data on numerous companies, offering a comprehensive view of VC activities across European regions. The database is updated to include data up to 2018 for VC investments and up to 2020 for accounting data, with extended geographic coverage including all EU-27 countries, the UK, and Israel. 

CHEETAH contains data on fast-growing medium-sized firms (FGMF) across ten cohorts from 2008 to 2020, covering 30 European countries, providing detailed sectoral, geographic, financial, and ownership information. It aims to offer an extensive view of European firms experiencing rapid expansion. 

Data and Services integration in FOSSR 

The RISIS Italian node has significantly improved the EFIL dataset repository through FOSSR activities. This enhancement enriches resources available to researchers and policymakers, facilitating deeper insights into funding mechanisms for projects and their relevance to KET, SGC, and SDGs. EFIL employs text mining to derive relevant indicators from official documentation stored in a repository, linked to the dataset via project funding instrument codes. 

The integration of RISIS resources into the FOSSR Cloud aims to enhance resource coverage and broaden the audience for research infrastructures, fostering cross-fertilization and interdisciplinary research initiatives. This integration ensures robust, open access to data and research tools, promoting transparency and collaboration across scientific communities. 

Advanced Research Indicators 

Through FOSSR WP3 and WP5 activities, RISIS contributes to creating knowledge and innovation indicators for STI policies in social sciences. Moreover, researchers involved in RISIS and FOSSR are gathering data on the careers and mobility of Italian researchers, improving understanding and definition of policies in science and innovation studies. 

Overall, RISIS is committed to advancing research and innovation policy studies, providing robust data and services, and fostering a collaborative research environment. Its integration within the FOSSR Cloud underscores its dedication to open science and the continuous development of innovative research infrastructures. 


*picture by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash